Website Development Project for IFS
Clinet required to redesign the website with latest UI and animation that a new website have.
Website URL
Our client is Australiyan based a provides a range of specialised Integrated Facility Solutions, each tailored to the specific requirements of our clients from which we offer managed solutions.

IFS provides a range of soft services, adopts a novel approach to providing clients with integrated solutions to meet their diverse needs and demands with a more personalised and individualistic focus. Our mission is to continually grow, and be recognised as a market leader in the facilities support services sector.
IFS prides itself in fulfilling all aspects pertaining to staffing needs, as well as to ensure the sustainability of the challenging staffing requirements in the facility support sector. Whilst we explore and adapt to new market trends, strategies, changes and techniques that we consider essential to remaining competitive in this industry, our primary work ethic for success is premised on a ‘partnering to excel’ philosophy.
Accredited WHSE & Quality System
IFS is committed to our workers health and safety, the protection of the environment and the quality of our work. We are accredited to the Australian Standards for Workplace Health and Safety (ISO 4801), Quality Management (ISO 9001) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001).